Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Valentines Day - Save for your loved ones.

This week decided to base our saving incentive on saving for your loved ones as coincidentally this week's themed thrusday fell on Valentines day. We created a marvelous display board as shown in the picture on the left. We made love hearts, posters saying "save for your loved ones" and We had buns with pink icing on offer. The display board worked wonderfully and grabbed everyone's attention.We also played loved songs as we felt it was more then appropriate. The music arose peoples curiosity thus gaining their interest. 
Everybody working hard as per usual taking in money, filling up lodgement forms, handing out raffle tickets and recording the lodgements. Today was extremely busy, finally most of our customers seem to be getting into the swing of things. The customers were in ecstasy when their eyeballs encountered the buns with pink icing ( as part of our valentines day theme). We also gave free quality streets to anyone who lodged money. The atmosphere at our table was electric , this encouraged the customers to save with us greatly.
The Rubber bank-its were offering home baked buns to any loyal customer who lodged money with us. We decorated our buns with red love hearts which we cut out earlier as you can see in the above picture. Once again our baking went down an absolute storm, with request for the recipes from everyone. However these recipes are rubber bank-its secrets which we will not be revealing to the general public ;)

Fionnuala Kirby (commonly referred to as Fionnuala "finance" Kirby due to her excellent handling of our school banks money and accounts) greets a customer in an amazingly friendly manner. The rubber bank-its are know amongst the school's community for the looking after every single customer perfectly. Customer feedback has been immense , just check out our Facebook page to see for yourself! Outstanding I tell you.
Some of our most loyal customers, these two first years never fail to save with us at least once a week. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has signed up with us, The Rubber Bank-it's. Without you we would be nothing. Thank you :) We love ye guys in a professional manner of course.

Sarah Kate Daly distributing raffle tickets to our customer. We are having two raffles, the first raffle we will be for an a-wear voucher and a penneys voucher. The second raffle will be for an ipod nano. Pretty impressive right? Also i this picture, One of our customers is helping themselves to a valentine bun, no doubt this customer has entrusted her money with The Rubber Bank-its of Pres Tralee.
Our Valentines day poster. We used this poster to grab peoples attention and to promote our bank. This weeks saving incentive was to save for your loved ones which explains the above poster.
Fionnuala, our finance woman, keeping track of our customers accounts and the likes. Good job Fin.
Another customer signs up AGAIN. It's hard to keep track of the huge demand we have for forms. In the background a teacher looks on in awe at our more then impressive bank system.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Save For the Financial Burdens Of The Summer Holidays.

The Rubber Bank-its holding a meeting regarding the up and coming launch of our "Save For Summer" campaign. We discussed our display at this meeting and the manager delegated jobs to us all. We then revised how to fill out lodgement forms and how to keep track of lodgements in our accounts book. This was vital if our next "Themed Thursday" was to be a success. Overall the meeting was extremely productive and once it was over, everybody knew exactly what they had to do and we all felt very organised and rearing to go.

Our rather large Rubber Bank-it poster which was used in our display last Thursday. The poster contains 17 A4 sheets of paper. And as you can see,we have highlighted the BANK part of our name to let our customers know exactly what we are about. The colour scheme of our poster is based on green,red and blue. The colours of the actual Aib logo. Surrounding the large posters are smaller posters encouraging our customers to Save For Summer with us.Summer is also a great saving incentive much like our previous Save For Oxegen theme.
The Rubber Bank-its (without Kiah whom was busy being a manager) with our mentor Colm Cooper. All the team get on brilliantly and we are all the best of friends. When we aren't promoting build a bank amongst our own TY peers , we can be seen mingling with the first years and other years encouraging them to set up an account with Aib through the more then trustworthy rubber bank-its.  Our team spirits are always high.

Our Full display has been praised by many including our business teacher and mentor. We drew attention to our display by singing our Theme tune which was previously posted in our blog. our mentor was so impressed with it that he took a copy of it home to his family. We also pumped the music up to the last at our display to attract customers and to create a lively and friendly atmosphere.Also in this picture two of our future customers are setting up an account with us.

Sarah Kate taking care of the raffle tickets and handing them out to all our customers who lodged money. She is also wearing sunglasses on her head to highlight our "Save For Summer" campaign.

These are cookies which were given to anybody who returned an application form or to anyone who lodged money. The cookies were a real hit amongst our customers. 

A poster highlighting the need to save for summer. 
It's letting our customers know that summer is an expensive time of year and thus students should start saving for it now with their dedicated school bank , The Rubber Bank-its.

A large crowd gathers around our display and seem to be very enthusiastic about the school bank.One can see how interested they are by looking at their facial expressions.

This is a picture of a major part of our display. We brought in a wetsuit, flip flops, sandals, shorts, bikinis and sunglasses in order to promote our "Save For Summer" campaign. 

Another major part of our "Save For Summer" display. We brought in a Hawaiian necklace , flip flops and board shorts to highlight out "Save For Summer" themed Thursday. The yellow posters also encourages students to put away their cash for the summer months.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Money Monday ( you can't go wrong with a bit of alliteration eh? )

The Rubber Bank - its awaiting their customers on the first ever Money Monday. We were offering free quality streets to all those who lodged money or signed up and of course raffle tickets for an ipod nano , penneys voucher and awear voucher depending on how much one lodges.  If a customers lodges between €2 and €5 , they receive one raffle ticket. If they lodge between €5 and €10 , they receive to raffle tickets and so on.

Sarah Rath (assistant manager) helping one of our customers sign up. Sarah demonstrates the kind and caring welcome we give each and everyone of our customers. She engages with the customer and puts them at ease about their money worries. Our customers are our number one priority :) 

The Rubber Bank-its discussing how Money Monday went. Overall Money Monday was a huge success. After sending around texts to all our customers , a total of €64 was lodged on our first day alone. Pretty impressive eh? We also had a huge number of students demanding forms to set up an account. 

Fionnula acting the role of an auditor. As you can see , she is keeping tabs on our finance like a true banker should. Fionnula "Finance" Kirby that's what they call her.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

We can BANK on Katy Perry!

aib bank is my new savior,
thanks to them I have saved money,
my first car, my debs even my hair dye,
oooooooooh oooooohhhhhhhh
aib bank has helped me with my money,
the prizes arent even funny,
ipod, vouchers even free foood,
fooo fooooooood
In Tune to Katy Perry's CAlifornia Girlz. (the chorus) 
Written By our awesome assistant manager : Sarah Rath 

Our Bank-tastic Facbook page!!/pages/The-RubberBank-its/188195184543216

Check out our facebook page.

Did you know that songs are a great way to promote saving?

Let's Build A Bank Today,
No regrets. just Save,
We can save until we're rich,
You and I , Thanks to A I B ,
You make me feel like i'm swimming in notes and coins,
The way you save money ,
I can't wait, 
Let's earn some cash  and money won't Lack , no money won't lack.
My heart stops when i'm with AIB,
Just sign up and your in ecstasy,
It's a deal so save with us and don't ever look back. don't ever look back.

- Sang in tune with Katy Perry's Teenage dream.

The Rubber Bank-its are unleased upon the school i.e Our Launch!

Finally The Rubber Bank-it's Launch arrived. On the 3rd of February. Our school bank was officially opened. We went all out and got Colm Cooper , A well known and highly respected Kerry Footballer to cut a red ribbon. The crowd went mad when the ribbon was eventually cut after a little bit of difficulty due to poor scissors.

Our Theme for this week was "Save For Oxegen" We brought in props which are associated with oxegen such as Wellies , Sleeping bags, Sunglasses and Rain Jackets. We wanted to bring in a tent but that was a bit too ambitious. Our oxegen theme was received very well by all at our school and went down a storm. We put a lot of work into our launch and this theme however it all paid off in the end.

Kiah , The Rubber Bank-its manager informing everybody about how our bank works and about what they need to do. As you can see from the picture there was a huge turn out and a lot of enthusiasm amongst the students. Everybody was interested and curious about our school bank.  

This is our display. A lot of time was spent making our posters. The pink poster is highlighting the students chance to win an ipod nano. The two small ones are letting the students know about our theme of oxegen and encouraging them to Save with AIB for Oxegen. We also had lots of balloons to attract peoples attention.

Some eager students grasping the chance to sign up to our school bank. So many people wanted to sign up that we ran out of forms. Yes that's how popular our bank is!! We took the names , classes and mobile numbers of everybody who signed up so we can text them reminding them to bring in money to lodge and to return their registration forms.